Sunday, September 9, 2007

Reactions to Web 2.0

I have never been one that is in the know with all the new things that technology has to offer- in fact, my skills when it comes to computers are very limited, and this video really helped to hit this point home. The title "Web 2.0" does not really mean anything to me, and I could only speculate what its implications are. If I had to guess from a very word based perspective, the word web implies something connecting many different things, which is fitting for what this short film was trying to convey. The web is how we communicate and the extent of that communication is growing daily. As for the "2.0" part of it, I guess maybe it is describing some sort of upgrade as compared to what we have had before.
For those entering the workforce, Web 2.0 can be a huge help. One can now submit resumes online, in fact places of business can now search for potential candidates on their own. This film made it seem as though the extent of what we can do and share on the web is for all intents and purposes endless. One might even conduct an interview via web cam.
However, with all the new technology one has to be careful of what he makes accessible over the web considering how companies now do in fact check who they might potentially hire.
People already in the workforce most likely have to learn the new systems and how to use all the new technology. It seems a daunting task; however, because technology is constantly changing. Once a company learns a new system, a better on is bound to come out the week after.
When the video says we will have to rethink everything, I think it is saying that we will have to be conscious of how we portray ourselves online, as now, almost anyone can find anything they want or need to know. Technology is amazing in the sense of the fact that an enormous amount of information in at our fingertips and two mouse clicks away. This is the positive side. The negative aspects are how this might affect our privacy and how far we are going to let it go. Pretty soon, people are not going to have to leave their house, much less actually interact with anyone else. Everything is available to them at their desk at home. We are most definitely creatures of convenience and we must remember this as technology continues to grow, and we cannot let it consume us.

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